We've created something we love, which has the potential to be highly successful. Some of the reasons:
Worldwide most popular genre.
As the chart on this page shows, scifi supernatural series ('what if' series) are by far the most popular digital originals and have a large following.
Original approach, similar to the most popular shows in the past few years.
Black Mirror - one of the most popular shows on Netflix over the last years. We have the same 'what if' approach, with 1 hour long stand alone stories.
Great for an audience who hunger for a single shot of scifi.
The Marvel Cinematic Universe - one of the major story innovations of the past decade is the way Marvel was able to build a story universe, by connecting stand alone stories (character films). The Polar Shift Phenomenon is our story universe, one that also consists of character films, tied together by Alex’ search for superhumans. A story world people can dive into.
The Twilight Zone - is the inspiration and has touched and inspired so many people to open their mind and look differently at the world around us. It got us to want to go into creating stories. And as Steven Spielberg and J.J. Abrams also consider The Twilight Zone as a big inspiration, we find ourselves in good company!
Deep content.
Once an audience is hooked, they want more, which means you have a built-in audience for your next movies.
We're offering content on many levels. Besides Alex' search, mostly offered online on platforms like Youtube, Snapchat, Instagram and dedicated groups like, and, we'll also be offering real scientific lectures and backgrounds on the actual Polar Shift Phenomenon, DNA and evolution.
Spin-off potential.
All of our stand alone stories are strong high-concept ideas and have the potential for spin-offs. Each story could be made into a series, diving deeper into and making use of the new ability discovered.
Experienced team.
Our team of professional and experienced writers, directors and producers has loved and consumed this genre for 20+ years. This way we know what works and what doesn't. It only works if we really would like to watch it.
European produced.
Internationally operating platforms aiming at Europe, are obliged to have a percentage of their content spendings, spent in Europe. We can have our films produced in Europe, with an international audience in mind.
Produced in different countries.
One of the possibilities is to have different stories/films produced in different countries. Though still being part of one overall series. This way audiences from all over the world get an extra connection with the stories of their own country.
Pilot and screenplays available.
Our first episode File 001: Kim is available. This is a good way to see what we're offering. In addition, we have two more scripts of stand alone character films ready and story set-ups of numerous more.
Delivery on short notice.
As we have our pilot and more screenplays ready, we can go into production on short notice and deliver a series of episodes within a fairly short period of time, all this while maintaining high quality standards!

As this chart shows, there is a great demand for scifi supernatural series.
These are US figures, though these shows travel well and are popular in most countries.